Hi! If you are reading this, I wish you a Happy New Year!!!
I want to work with you to make this year a better one than the last. If this is what you want, then you are in the right place.
How did 2024 go?
By now I’m sure you have many things running through your mind about what you loved, didn’t love, and what you want to change this year.
Let’s work together to make this year a year to remember.
Before we go on, if you have a notebook and pen, put it beside you because you will need it.
How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Ever – Review Last Year

The first step to take to get a hold of this new year is to review your previous year. Do a thorough yet kind review of the year before. I wrote ‘kind’ because I know how harsh we can be with ourselves when we don’t especially like how our year went.
Related Post: How To Do A Monthly Review To See If You’re Achieving Your Goals
Why Should You Do a Yearly Review?
I know some of you don’t fancy anything that feels like a drawback but trust me, reviews are really important.
You can’t just go about life without retrospecting. I think retrospection is one of the most powerful tools you can give yourself in life. It makes you thankful, it makes you retrace your steps and it makes you work on being a better person going forward.
Think back at your previous year, if you could give it one word, what would you call it? You can leave a comment below.
We will be focusing on the core areas of your life in this review which are:
- Personal
- Financial
- Career
- Health
- Business (if you have one)
- Spiritual
- Relationship, Family, and Friends (social)
You can add others as you like.
Here is a free workbook to guide your year review. It contains all the questions you need to ask yourself to evaluate your previous year and the next steps you will take in the new year.
Review your year in a notebook and think back to all the emotions you had for the year and everything you did.
You will even realize your year was not as bad as you thought.
What was that thing you desired so much in 2023? How did you get through it in 2024?
How can you work better to achieve more desires in 2025?
Exercise: Think back at your previous year, if you could give it one word, what would you call it? You can leave a comment below.
Mine will be rest – because I rested last year from all the struggles of previous years but trust me when I say, I will be working harder this year.
What’s yours?
How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Ever – Plan This Year

You know by now how much I love planning. I build my life around my plans because it really helps me departmentalize my brain.
Our brains are always full of so much and the best way to gain mental clarity is by writing things down and planning.
Don’t get me wrong. Planning does not necessarily make your whole life better. It doesn’t even guarantee that you will get things done – but it does make things clearer.
You might be planning to build a house this year in your mind but with a good plan, you may realize you are not ready for that yet.
You may also realize you can go bigger and buy a house and car.
Writing it down and making a sense of it makes all the difference.
Personally, I always feel like my head is heavy with all the many things I want to do until I write them down and realize they are not as impossible as I felt.
Here are tools that will help make planning seamless for you this year:
- Notion Planner (Free and has templates you can use)

- The Ultimate Planner (Get a discount on my planning product in my latest newsletter when you sign up) Note, that this planner is a printable but can be used as a digital planner. It is not available as a physical product yet.
- The Free Ultimate Planning Guide
- I can help you
How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Ever – Pray About Your Year
But You know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28 (paraphrased)
You already know by now that I don’t joke about prayer. You shouldn’t too.
Prayer helps with clarity. It also helps to allow God’s will and plans to override your own. Because we can’t see the future like God can.
If you are confused, prayer will bring you precision. You know I don’t say what I have not tried.
In 2022, I prayed so much that I felt the impact of those prayers even in 2024, and I have not stopped praying.
Whenever I pray, God always strengthens me and guides me through the right path. Well, you gotta pray first to know if I am lying or saying the truth, right? So, go ahead.
But You know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28 (paraphrased).
God is always working for your good. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. Don’t give up!
You may also like: How to Develop a Habit of Praying Everyday
6 Reasons you’re not consistent in Prayer + The Right reason to Pray
Exercise: What Do You Want To Achieve This Year?
Let’s get down to business.
Do you still have your notebook and pen?
Now, write out everything major and important you want to achieve this year.
Write it out so confidently in bold fonts.
I feel God’s spirit within me as I write this that God wants to bring it to pass for you.
Have you written them down?
Now, pray over them.
Tell God to guide you. Tell Him to show you how to achieve them and lead you to the right people that will help you bring them to life. Tell Him to give you clarity to know what to pursue and what to withhold till it’s the right time.
Let me tell you a short story about praying on your plans.
There used to be this goal I have always wanted to achieve but it feels so hard to do. Then God told me one day to stop stressing. That it is so hard now because it is not time. That when it is time, He will make it easy for me. And, Yes, He fulfilled His word at the right time.
Now, I am not saying don’t work hard on your goals and just give up. No. I am saying pray, so that you will know whether you are on the right path or not.
Then write out how you plan to achieve each of them one after the other.
If there is one that you are not ready for this year, take it out.
Take out the ones that you don’t think align with what you want and what God is saying.
Now, you have your goals for the year.
Use the planning tools above to start working on each of them day by day.
Here are articles that will also guide your process:
10 Tips on How to Plan Your Day Effectively
How to Plan a Productive Month
How To Do A Monthly Review To See If You’re Achieving Your Goals
Stop Feeling Bad About Not Achieving Your Goals. Start Feeling Good
The Ultimate Planning Guide | Download The Avid Planner Ultimate Planning Guide for free.
Let’s Get Started
This year, I will like to be your accountability partner in achieving your goals.
Reach out to me and I will follow up with you every last day of the month to ensure you are achieving those goals. Note, that This is free.
But it is not a coaching session. I will just listen to what you are doing and ensure you are still on the right track. I will also gear you up for more.
If I get a lot of people for this. I may open a group where we all take accountability for each other and root for each other to succeed.
Cheers to a better year.