If you yearn to pray and talk to God but find yourself always busy without enough time to dedicate to God, this article is for you. Here is how to pray when you have a busy life.

As someone who understands the importance of prayer and who loves talking about prayer, I sometimes find my life so busy that it becomes difficult to pray.

Then I sort for a solution. 

The answers I got have helped me greatly. And I will like to share them with you.

How To Pray When You Have a Busy Life

grayscale photo of a man praying

Without further ado, let’s go into the solutions that have helped me and will help you maintain a consistent prayer life even during busy days.

Understand Why You Should Pray

Many people have the wrong mindset towards praying. This is why they are not praying or it is why even when they don’t pray, they feel guilty and condemned.

Let’s trash that wrong mindset right away and replace it with a better one that will push you to pray.

Related post: How to Develop a Habit of Praying Everyday

Why should you pray?

  • Pray because it is how you talk to God. (Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 17:6, Matthew 7:7). When you pray, God reveals the secret things of this world to you. Things that will protect you, inform you and give you peace.
  • Which brings us to, prayer brings us peace. (Phil 4:6). When you pray, you have peace. Even if you have not received what you prayed for immediately, you can be assured that God will bless your heart with peace and you will feel better about the situation.
  • Prayer brings clarity. Whenever you are confused about something, praying about it can give you insight into the situation. There, God will speak to you about the matter through His word, His people, your heart, dreams, and visions.

There is more here on why you should pray.

When you understand why you should pray, prayer becomes easier. It becomes a priority. Even when you don’t have the time, you make time for it because you have to pray.

What are the wrong reasons to pray?

Regardless of what I write here, I will advise you to pray. Don’t look at it as a reason to not pray, rather, I am writing this so that you can have the right mindset to pray whenever you go to God in prayer.

  • Don’t pray because you want to boast about praying or feel holier/better than other people.

We are not praying because we are afraid of Mr. Devil. We are praying because we are confident in Loving Jesus. 

  • Don’t pray because you are afraid God will hate you if you don’t pray. Praying is communication between you and God, who loves you. 

Even on days when you don’t talk to God, God does not hate you. Rather, He is waiting for you to come. He is waiting to receive you. He is a patient God. 

Always waiting and directing your path to Him. He will direct you to places where you can get help. He won’t stop loving you just because you don’t pray. (Hebrews 4:16).

  • Don’t pray because you are afraid the devil will hurt or harm you when you don’t pray. I think for believers, this is the highest form of disrespect we can give to ourselves as children of God. 

God’s protection is upon you, whether you pray or not. I need you to know this. Remember Ephesians. 1:13, it says God has put the seal of the Holy Ghost upon you after you accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour. 

Another translation says: It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free – signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit.

Now, BIG DISCLAIMER, ‘does this mean you shouldn’t pray? No. That was why I gave you reasons to pray at the beginning. 

We are not praying because we are afraid of Mr. Devil. We are praying because we are confident in Loving Jesus. 

It is important to know this. I grew up hearing people say any night they sleep without praying, they are afraid it will be their last night on earth. 

That is plain ridiculous because our God is not the God of half work. He is the God of complete work and He lives in us. How can the devil touch you who God lives inside of?

  • Some people also say don’t pray out of fear, but I will say when you are afraid, go to God. He will hold you in His arms and give you strength in your weakness, and confidence in your fears.

It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free – signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit.

Prioritize Prayer

When you understand why you should pray, you will find yourself prioritizing prayer. You will find yourself putting prayer first even when you don’t feel like it, regardless of what you are doing. 

Subsequently, in this article, we will learn more about how you can prioritize prayer.

Pray When You Wake Up In The Morning

One way to pray even when you are busy is to pray the moment you wake up in the morning. Even before checking your phone or rushing out to prepare for the day, say a prayer to God. 

Tell Him all you want for that day. Tell Him to take control of all that concerns you for the day.

find time to read or study God’s word during prayers

Throughout the day, there will be a form of rest in you, and even if you don’t have time to pray for the rest of the day, you will still feel at peace that you started your day with God.

Pray Before You Sleep At Night

Pray before you sleep at night. It doesn’t mean you should stay awake and pray through the night especially if you are tired and just want to sleep.

However, if you have the time and strength to pray for more time, please do. But if you don’t have the time, say a prayer of thanksgiving, talk to God about your day, worries, and testimonies, and then go to sleep. 

Trust me, these short or little prayers go a long way in your relationship with God. 

Also, be on the lookout to hear from God. Remember that He mostly speaks through His word, so find time to read or study God’s word during prayers

Pray When You Feel Led

There are times in the course of your day when a thought may cross your mind and you feel like praying, don’t silence that feeling or leading, pray immediately. 

Pray whatever comes to mind. And if you don’t know what to pray about, speak in tongues and the Holy Spirit will pray for you. (1 Corinthians 14:14)

The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God – it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Speaking In Tongues Is Not The Only Type Of Prayer

That brings us to this part – it probably should be a part of the misconceptions – or maybe not. 

Some people (I used to be guilty), don’t feel like they have prayed if they don’t pray in tongues.

Well, I’m here to let you know that prayer is communicating with God. Sometimes I pray in tongues instead of my understanding, when I don’t know/have something to tell God at the time but I need to pray. 

But if you are the type that has a lot to tell God in your understanding, please do and you will enjoy it too. 

No matter how you pray, God hears. 

But I would also prefer you pray wholeheartedly and consistently because James 5:16b AMP version says, The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Also read: How to Pray in Tongues for Long Hours

Speak In Tongues At Interval

One way to pray even when you are busy is to pray in tongues. Why? It is easier to do because you don’t have to think of what to pray. 

You can mouth in tongues as you do the dishes, as you work in your office, as you stroll in your neighborhood, on the bus, and so on. And good news, God hears. 

1 Corinthians 14:2 

“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries”

Pray Wherever You Are

This is quite similar to the above. Pray wherever you are, pray as you go. Pray without ceasing. Pray without boundaries. 

“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries”

Don’t wait to be in a designated place to pray because you may not have the time to do that every day and this may cause you not to pray. Instead, pray at every chance you get.

Have A Prayer Routine/Time

Another way to pray even when you are busy is to find time to pray or dedicate an hour of your time to pray. 

I am writing this while keeping in mind that there are people who work 9-5 and who have busy business days. 

If this is you, you can fix your prayer during the time you scroll through your phone or when you are gisting with friends, or that little time you are not doing anything. 

If you cannot fix your prayer at the same hour every day, you can fix it at different times in the day. 

Ensure to use a productivity app, planner, reminder app, or alarm to help remind you.

Editor’s choice: Things You Never Knew Your Phone Alarm System Could Do

Listen To Worship Songs

One thing that sometimes reminds me that I haven’t prayed and I have to pray is listening to worship songs that naturally move me to pray. 

I heard one of such songs tonight as I write this. I will embed it below.

When you listen to beautiful songs that move you to pray, yield, and pray immediately, that might be the only time you have to pray for the day.

You can also prioritize listening to these types of songs if you want to pray more often.

Listen To Godly Podcast Or Preachings

And lastly, just like worship songs, listening to podcasts and preachings that talk about God’s finished works and His power at work within us will also help you pray. 

I know it helps me. I will plug you into the podcast and teachings by The Logic Church. There’s a wealth of knowledge of God’s word in these messages and I hope they change your life like they changed mine. 


Dear friend, Jesus is waiting to hear from you. He is not condemning, angry, or furious. He is excited to speak with you again. Go to Him. he is waiting with open arms to speak with His child again. Jesus loves you always and I do too.

I am always here to talk to you about God and help you grow spiritually by teaching you God’s word and helping you pray. 

You can also check out these articles on prayer if you need help or a guide:

What Happened When I Prayed in Tongues for 6 Hours

6 Reasons you’re not Consistent in Prayer + The Right reason to Pray

How to Pray in Tongues for Long Hours

The Secret to a Consistent Prayer Life

Does Having Faith Really Work?

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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