Wondering how to achieve your goals? Let’s make it happen with an effective monthly review
You are probably tired of being told how to achieve your goals by now. I know I get tired sometimes but we have to do what we have to do right?
However, if you are like me and you have a burning desire to achieve something or some things in your lifetime, then you know we need to achieve these goals.
Like I always do, I would like to take the stress off your shoulders.
Why Should You Do A Monthly Review Of Your Goals?

Reviewing your monthly goals helps you evaluate your life and your plans.
You have made plans for the whole month but now, you need to make sure you have been on track. You need to be sure you have been doing it right.
Ask yourself “Am I drawing closer to achieving my goals?” If you are not reviewing your goals, you might be going in the wrong direction without knowing.
You might not be as close to achieving your goals as you think. And that can be scary.
You May Also Read: My Month In Review Archive
How To Do A Monthly Review That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

Let’s get straight to the point. How should you do that monthly review to help you ascertain if you are doing a good job with your life and goals?
- To do a monthly review, you must have a weekly and daily review.
- You need to ask yourself important questions.
- Be truthful to yourself and the stage you are in your goals.
- Be ready to start again or change your plans if needed.
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Let’s Do a Monthly Review: Review Your Month With Me

PS: Replace your goal/s with any goal I write here. It is just an example.
Your goal should be planned like this:
Yearly Goal
Read 30 books this year
Monthly Goal
Read 3 books in a month
Weekly Goals
Read 1 book for a week and a half to read 3 books in a month.
Daily Goals
Read 10 pages of a 100-page book per day for 10 days (one week and a half) from 10 am to 12 pm and 5 pm to 6:30 pm.
(Remember, you should take into consideration your work schedule, house chores, school schedules, etc.)
Reviews usually come at the end of a period.
Start with a Daily Review:
Questions to ask yourself –
- 1. Did I achieve my goal today?
- 2. If yes, how did I achieve my goal?
- 3. If no, what stopped me from getting it done?
- 4. How did I feel about my goal today?
- 5. What will I do better tomorrow?
- 6. Am I still on track to achieve my goal this week?
- 7. If no, what do I need to change to achieve my goal tomorrow and this week?
Your answers may look like this –
- 1. Yes, I did or No, I did not.
- 2. I achieved my goal by limiting my time on the internet scrolling meaninglessly, and I spent that time reading Ikigai, which I found very interesting.
- 3. I couldn’t achieve my goal today because I had to run an errand for Mom or I stayed longer than I thought at work.
PS: You either achieve your goal or not, so you may not need to answer either number 2 or 3, but it’s your goal so do what makes you feel good.
- 4. I do not feel great about my goal. I think 30 books a year is choking because I don’t have the strength or time to finish 10 pages per day, but I could do 5 pages.
- I think my goal is easier than I thought. I was able to read up to 20 pages today. I might finish earlier than I thought. This makes me super excited.
- 5. Tomorrow, I may change my goal to better fit the time I can devote to it or I will create one hour of my time to read instead of doing nothing.
- 6. No, I am not on track or Yes, I am on track.
- 7. I need to reduce the amount of books I plan to read this year.
Weekly Review:
Questions to ask yourself –
- 1. Did I achieve my goal this week?
- 2. If yes, how did I achieve my goal?
- 3. If no, what stopped me from getting it done?
- 4. How did I feel about my goal this week?
- 5. What will I do better next week?
- 6. Am I still on track to achieve my goal this month?
- 7. If no, what do I need to change to achieve my goal next week and this month?
Now, over to you.
Monthly Review:
Questions to ask yourself –
- 1. Did I achieve my goal this month?
- 2. If yes, how did I achieve my goal?
- 3. If no, what stopped me from getting it done?
- 4. How did I feel about my goal this month?
- 5. What will I do better next month?
- 6. Am I still on track to achieve my goal this year?
- 7. If no, what do I need to change to achieve my goal next month and this year?
You already have a glimpse of how to answer these questions above.
Ensure you are truthful to yourself, you are ready to adjust your goal, and you are ready to start again if you picked the wrong plan for achieving your goal or if your goal is choking.
Just because you reduced the number of books you read in a year doesn’t make your goal less viable, rather the point is that you acquired information and learned something new this year.
I know you are wondering, “What about goals that do not have numbers?” for example,
Yearly Goal
I want to start a candle-making business this year
Well, your goals may look like this:
Monthly Goal
Month one – Reach out to a candle maker willing to teach me about candle making, then learn for 1 month or 3 months. CourseHorse teaches candle-making in 3 hours, however, it might take a while to perfect your candle-making and come up with scents of your own.
Month two – Learn about branding, register your business, and create a social media account for your candle business
Month three – Perfect your candle-making skills and get ready to start creating and selling.
And the list goes on and on. Now, I don’t know much about the candle-making business, but this sounds just about right. Remember, it’s just an example and you can tweak it according to what your goals really are.
Now, if you want something personalized for you, then here you go:
Weekly Goal for Month One
Reach out to CourseHorse to start learning candle-making or candler (not a real site) on Instagram to take a physical class.
Daily Goal for Month One
Start learning candle making at 3 pm every day or on Thursday and Friday.
In cases like this, you can reduce or adjust your goals when reviewing by reducing the pace at which you learn the skills, you can extend to 6 months or more. You can learn branding in two months or one week.
Ensure you are not putting pressure on yourself.
Resources To Help You Do A Proper Monthly Review and Set Achievable Goals.
- The first resource I will recommend is my free guide: The Ultimate Planning Guide. Sometimes, I wonder why it is free because it is packed with so much information that will help you achieve your goals.
- Another resource is my Goal Settings ebook which will help you achieve your goal. It is at the smallest price you can think of, short, well explained, and will definitely help you achieve your goals.
- If you need a weekly goal planner with all of these aforementioned goal-setting guides already done for you, then you need to get this printable. It is not physical so you may have to print it out or use an app that allows you to write on digital copies.
- There is the Ultimate planner with everything you can think of. It is basically the everything planner but it is a printable, meaning you have to print it or use it digitally.
- And lastly, I can get your goals set for you if you purchase my service at a small fee.
You will only have to do a review by yourself but I will break down your goal into Yearly, Monthly, and Weekly goals.
You can also include what a day in your life looks like to enable me to create a more resourceful and tailored plan.
Don’t forget that you can always adjust and reset your goals.
Here are blog posts on Goal Setting that will also help you.
10 Tips on How to Plan Your Day Effectively
How to Achieve the Most in 24 Hours
How to Plan a Productive Month
Types of Goals You Can Set and Review
Lastly, I will add this. Here are the types of goals you can set and review:
- Personal goals – Your general life
- Work goals – Work hours, extra activities at work
- Career goals – How do you want to advance your career and source of income?!
- Financial goals – How do you plan to make more money, spend the money, invest, save, etc? How much do you want to make this year? Etc.
- Spiritual goals – How many books of the bible will you read this year? Your prayer life.
- Relationship goals – How do you intend to be a better friend or family member today?
- Business goals – What business idea do you have and how to accomplish it?
There is a lot more. Just remember that you can always set any type of goal and you can achieve them.
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