In a world filled with so much negativity, pressure, uncertainty, and doubts, filling your mind with God’s word and positive confessions will go a long way in transforming you into living the life God has called you to live.

It is sometimes hard to maintain positivity in our minds but speaking positive words can change our inner minds, our outlook, and our actions.

Words are powerful. Words are transformative.

If you see a man who rises up every day and speaks life, healing, positivity, and purposefulness into his day, gradually his life will begin to take the shape of his words. And if you see a man who does the opposite, his life will also move in that direction.

Would you like to access these daily faith confessions later? Download images of 20 powerful daily faith confessions below:
woman in black jacket and black pants sitting on white staircase
Faith confessions

So, in this article, I will be sharing 20 powerful daily faith confessions that will transform the way you see yourself and help you to see yourself the way God sees you.

1/ I walk and live in the newness by which God has called me. I am no longer who I used to be. I am righteous and renewed.

— 2 Corinthians 5:17

2/ I am saved by Grace. I no longer live the life I used to live. I now possess a higher authority from my Lord Jesus Christ.

— Ephesians 2:5-6

3/ I no longer struggle with sin. Christ has made me wholly righteous.

— Romans 6:11

4/ Whether evil words are spoken against me, whether people wrongly accuse me, even if there is chaos around me, I will not be affected. I am untouchable.

— Isaiah 54:17

5/ God’s plan for me is perfect and Good. I have nothing to worry. Everything is going according to His plans for me.

— Jeremiah 29:11

6/ I do not entertain evil, negative, unruly, or unholy thoughts anymore. My thoughts are transformed, therefore, my life is transformed.

— 2 Corinthians 10:5

7/ My words are seasoned with grace. I speak the right and positive words. I speak life.

— Ephesians 4:29

8/ I treat everyone around me graciously and fairly. I do not pull down others with my words

— Romans 15:2

9/ I am not hasty to speak. I speak with reasoning. I am not slow in understanding and I do not let anger rule my life.

— James 1:19

10/ I believe God’s word. I am dedicated to studying God’s word.

believe bible black and white book
Confession of God’s word

— 2 Timothy 2:15

11/ I will give myself to prayer everyday of my life.

— Luke 18:1

12/ I receive the supernatural strength to traust and wait on God in every season of my life

— Isaiah 40:31

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13/ I will not worry about anything in my life because God is in charge of the affairs of my life

— 1 Peter 5:7

14/ I am fearless. I am full of love. I am wise

— 2 Timothy 1:7

15/ I no longer live in condemnation. I am free indeed.

— Romans 8:1

16/ I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

— 2 Corinthians 5:21

17/ I flow effortlessly in the gifts of the spirit. I speak in tongues. I prophesy. I heal the sick. I raise the dead.

— 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

18/ I walk in the light of God’s Word. I know what to do at the right time. The spirit of God leads me at all times

— Galatians 5:16

19/ Christ has set me free forever. I no longer live a life bound to sin and fear.

— John 8:36

20/ I believe and I rejoice in Christ’s sacrifices for me on the cross. His death and resurrection has made me who I am today: Redeemed and Flawless.

— Isaiah 53:3-4

Mày these words bless you and transform your heart. Amen.

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.


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