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      Rebirth is a story of thriving in the midst of hardship. It is rightly subtitled, From Grass to Grace. Juliana Olayode tells of the many hurdles she had to scale and the obstacles she had to surmount in becoming one of the most sought after actresses in Nollywood.
    From hawking on the streets to contending with sexually abusive neighbours to dropping out of school to failing at several auditions, she fought for relevance.This book is one that resonates with everyone that seeks to be more; dissatisfied with being ordinary. Juliana did not hold back in sharing her failures, struggles, fears and accomplishments in this riveting telling of her life’s journey.
It is a book that not only gives hope, but also fuels the hope it gives. Reading this book would definitely be the beginning of your own rebirth. Your greatness beckons on you!

Available formats:

Ebook (Kindle): Get Rebirth kindle by clicking here

Paperback (Amazon): Get Rebirth in hardcopy on Amazon by clicking here

Paperback (Nigeria): Price: N5,000

For enquiries or bulk purchase and/or distribution of Rebirth (hard copy), contact the author:

Pages: 23 Chapters, 150 Pages
Number of words: 47878
                                          Book Review
   When I was about to start reading this book, I had high hopes and was very excited to read the book and I tell you, my hopes were not dashed. Juliana Olayode has not only written an autobiography but she has ministered and changed lives through her rather incredible story. Her story got me praying to God every moment something happens to me, because I learnt of a little girl who prayed to God always, about everything and anything. And I learnt of a God who answers prayers. This kindled my prayer life, How God miraculously answered her prayers is a wonder to me.
   This book speaks of a little girl who became a teenager and even though she knew about God at a tender age, she was still going through her process, making mistakes, and learning each and every way up.
   This book is an inspiration to young girls, teenagers, youths, parents. It’s an eye opener to so many pains young adults go through while growing up, the reality of the story is overwhelming. Not everyone who has gone through what she went through could have made it out that triumphantly. It tells of the different stages of life, when you are getting to know God, when you’re facing oppositions, when you feel you’re not growing, when you are being deceived and you make costly mistakes.
    It tells of how God can raise people up to help you and how that disappointment is a blessing; just like when she wanted to go study abroad and on two occasions it was not possible, it would have seem like God wasn’t granting her request. But he was preparing her for something greater.
     This is the story of a young girl who found God early in life, lost touch with him at a point in her life, a teenager who stayed in her process and with the help of God became a celebrated woman.
It’s the story of God’s Unconditional Love, Our uncertainties, Power of prayer, Faith, Parenting, Separation, Family, Friendship, Learning, Growing. And it got me praying at the end.
Wonderful book. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ It has my 4 stars.


Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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