This article was inspired by the recent “long” break I took from the book world. It was not an intentional break but one that naturally happened when I decided to go full-time into my freelancing …
Book review

Book Review: One More Night by Rosemary Okafor
Book Review Many thanks to the author, Rosemary Okafor, for giving me this book in exchange for my honest review. I’m glad I read this book and I can’t wait to read more of her …

Book Review: JAM SESSIONS by Jerry Harwood @shalini_g26 @saralitterateur
Digital Reads Blog tour presents: JAM SESSIONS by Jerry Harwood BLURB Meet Phillip. His mom relocates him to a new school in the middle of the school year. Things do not go well. Phillip lands …

Book Review | Stretch marks by Kimberly Stuart
4/5 stars I personally think this book is very hilarious and at the same time sentimental. You could also say in the pages of this book, a lot of sense was passed. This is another …

Book Review | The Good stuff by Michelle Stimpson
Michelle o Michelle!! Thank you for this book.Michelle did a great job writing The Good Stuff. This book is highly recommended for married women who haven’t given up on their marriages and believe there is …

Book Review | Betsy’s Return by Wanda E. Brunstetter
4/5 stars Betsy Nelson, a young lady who had lived a deplorable life in the past while she lived with her father in the small town she grew up, had to return back home to …

Book Review | Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe
“Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels – the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,and personality.” Dr. Myles Munroe This book is a must read for every singles out there. It …

Book Review | Harvesting the heart by Jodi Picoult
I have never read a Jodi Picoult book before Harvesting the heart. On a beautiful day, I ordered for seven Jodi Picoult’s books alongside some other books by Sophie Kinsella and other authors. Out of …

Click. Date. Repeat by K. J Farnham (Lola’s blog tours review)
Click. Date. Repeat by K. J. Farnham Genre: Chick lit/ Women’s Fiction Age category: Adult Release Date: 21 August, 2014 Blurb: These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But …
Book Review : The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma
” We were fishermen. My brothers and I became “ This book ended really sad for me, in fact, from the beginning to the end, it was sad. I was just deliberating in my mind …