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Dreamland : A Ghost story by Nick Clausen

Some nightmares never end

In his sleep, Louie starts visiting a magical world where he meets his father, who died when Louie was still a baby. But nothing turns out to be what it seems, and great horrors loom very close by …

Welcome to Dreamland

A mysterious teen ghost story about fear and loss and losing yourself in dreams, Dreamland was originally published in Danish to great reviews, and is now available in English.

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Book Review 




“Dreamland is merely a small part of the dreamworld,” his dad said. “All around us is this. I call it the outskirts. That’s where nightmares come from.”

     Wow. Dreamland is a book packed with mystery, suspense, in one. I started reading it and finished it in 2 days,  I had expectations just by seeing the cover of the book and reading the blurb, but I didn’t know what I was in for until I started reading the book.

Let me give you a non-spoiler brief. This story centers on a twelve year old boy Louie, who goes into another world when he dreams called dreamland, this dream continues like a normal world, and somehow I was enjoying the story with him, but I didn’t know what I was in for, you wouldn’t know either, Louie didn’t know too, how he started to turn against his mum, how he broke up his mum and Phil’s relationship, how he started sneaking out to go to the haunted house no one dare step in, how he started to sleep walk and hear voices when he is in between being asleep and awake, how when his alarm woke him up, he felt like he had slept longer than he did the last time, Who the man in blue was, And how he started sleeping so deep that he didn’t even hear his alarm clock again until his mum came to shake him awake and he ended up sleepwalking through the house.

   Louie though clever and smart was still a twelve year old, who like space, planets and telescopes, which was something he had in common with His dad, who died eleven years ago and was now meeting in dreamland.

There are so many suspense attached to this story, it will keep you hooked till the end of the story.

   Dream land is a place that not only lures the characters in the story, but also the reader, who doesn’t want a place where you can have all you ever wanted? But in dreamland, you only see what you want to see.

   I read this book into the night and woke up to continue. Some chapters will leave you thinking, some will leave you enthralled.

⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5 stars to Nick Clausen’s Dreamland.

Nick clausen gave me this book in exchange for an honest review , and I must say it is the darkest book I’ve read in a while with a lot of indepth meanings. Nick’s writing is simple yet revealing, capturing and fantastic. Just take a glance at the first page, you will not be able to stop reading.

You can get the book here

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.


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