I have never read a Jodi Picoult book before Harvesting the heart.

On a beautiful day, I ordered for seven Jodi Picoult’s books alongside some other books by Sophie Kinsella and other authors.

Out of the many books I ordered, I picked up Harvesting the heart and fell in love with Jodi Picoult’s writing and the characters in the book.

When I finished this book I had to look at the name of the author again like damn! I want to read all your works!

Book Review

5 stars

Paige our protagonist, a young lady with a special ability and a painful memory of her mother who left her when she was at a tender age.

Like most people, Paige carried that pain with her all her life, and to add to that, she makes a terrible mistake that makes her resolve with herself that she could never be a mother.

Paige leaves home, leaves her father, meets a young doctor who is so keen to be successful in his career. She becomes someone else for him while trying to forget all the painful memories of home.

What she never knew was that there were even more battles to fight now. Battles with herself, her seemly resemblance with her mother that tears at her heart everyday. Nicholas’ love for his job and a child she doesn’t think she deserves.

Paige’s story is that of a mother and her child. It tells how a mother’s selfish ambition can affect the life of her child.

I loved the way it ended. It showed redemption, remedies for pain and mistakes. And it also shows that anyone can have second chances if they really want it.

I have so much to say about this book but I will have to hold it in so as to avoid spoilers. But I truly enjoyed this book and I want to read more works by Jodi.

Know any similar books like this? Tell me about it in the comment section

Have you read this book or any book by Jodi Picoult?

I will love to hear all about it in the comment section

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.


  1. I knew I’ve heard about her before but I couldn’t remember the book until I googled her name. She is the author of My Sister’s Keeper, a book I’ve come to love. I yet to complete it though because of school and I’m also a slow reader but I highly recommend it. She is a great writer and I will definitely check out her other books starting with this one.
    Thanks for the review.

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