
About Book 

Once a month, the six women of the Sweetgum Knit Lit Society gather to discuss books and share their knitting projects. Inspired by her recently-wedded bliss, group leader Eugenie chooses “Great Love Stories in Literature” as the theme for the year’s reading list–a risky selection for a group whose members span the spectrum of age and relationship status.
As the Knit Lit ladies read and discus classic romances like Romeo and JulietWuthering Heights, and Pride and Prejudice, each member is confronted with her own perception about love. Camille’s unexpected reunion with an old crush forces her to confront conflicting desires. Newly widowed Esther finds her role in Sweetgum changing and is surprised by two unlikely friends. Hannah isn’t sure she’s ready for the trials of first love. Newcomer Maria finds her life turned upside-down by increasing family obligations and a handsome, arrogant lawyer, and Eugenie and Merry are both asked to make sacrifices for their husbands that challenge their principles.
Even in a sleepy, southern town like Sweetgum, Tennesee, love isn’t easy. The Knit Lit ladies learn they can find strength and guidance in the novels they read, the love of their family, their community–and especially in each other.

My Review 


      As I got to the bookstore and saw  The sweetgum ladies, Knit for love. I picked up the book in excitement, I had read the prequel The sweetgum knit lit society, if you checked my review you’d see how much I loved it.https://avidinspire.wordpress.com/2019/05/25/book-review-the-sweetgum-knit-lit-society-by-beth-pattillo/
Beth patillo completely expounded Sweetgum with this one. And this one is my favourite, because it was all mushy mushy and lovey dovey unlike the first.
Eugene the leader of the knit lit society, had just recently gotten married, Ruthie left sweetgum, Esther lost her husband, Camille lost her mum, Merry has to make a compromise for her husband, well Eugene too, Hannah has a crush on her old friend who just came back to sweetgum and there’s a new comer who just joined the Knitlit society as a replacement for Ruthie.
As the characters unfold, one thing I enjoyed was how they grew, from stuck ups and loveless people to people who learnt to know love, feel love and embrace it.
Eugene also brings love into their hearts and minds by picking classical love stories like romeo and Juliet, pride and prejudice and the likes,  for their monthly reads.

The women come together to share how they feel about the book and how it had affected their daily lives.
Sacrifices were made, young minds grew to understand love more. And decisions were made which I particularly like. I recommend this incredible book.

4. 5/5 stars

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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