

About Book

Things are changing for the staff of Lagos firm City Finance, and not necessarily for the best. But for Ada Okafor, a bright, dedicated and beautiful trainee accountant, the only change worth noticing is the dashing, British-trained new assistant managing director Tony Okoli.

Ambitious and determined, Ada ignores her feelings for Tony and focuses on juggling her work in accounts with completing her degree in business and finance. But their love of books draws them closer together and soon they fall passionately in love.

They soon discover that the course of love does not run smooth and a host of obstacles – from Tony’s disapproving family to jealous colleagues – litter their path. Their passion for each other is truly tested as they fight to persuade themselves and the world that love, in the end, trumps social status.


My Review 


       Love persuasion is a book that leaves a long lasting impression, I personally found it engaging, and the writing piqued my mind as the story went along. This is a book that talks about the possibility of finding love and the challenges that comes with keeping a relationship, especially when the other person is from a different social status.
Ada is a strong female character, with all of the attribute a woman should possess, a sense of self reliance and independence. She is unlike the ‘other ladies’ around her… intelligent, tactful, dedicated… these were what drew Tony Okoli, the son of the managing director of ada’s company to her. Their love story started like every usual love story, spiced up with the controversy of tony’s fiancée and childhood sweetheart to Mr. Obi the pot bellied, gluttonous man in their company. The obstacles to their love didn’t stop there, hatred and insults from Tony’s family and Ada’s colleagues didn’t help matters.

Their love story is an interesting one, and it started out well, with their shared love for books at the peak of their relationship. Reading about Tony’s library made me feel like I was in the room with them, taking in each of the books in their rows. It was a slow and rough ride for Tony  and Ada. But I love how it ended, also Tony and Adas love for books made me enjoy the story more, how they talked about books I have read and also books I want to read. This is one upward downward turn of a love story.
I really enjoyed the turns the book took, and how the characters worked hard to fulfil their dreams. Everyone who look forward to overcoming obstacles in their relationship and fulfilling their dreams, need to read this book.

3.5/5 stars


Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.


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