Book Details:

Book Title: The Storyteller’s Secret by Sejal Badani

Category: Adult Fiction, 399 pages

Genre: Literary

Publisher: Lake Union

Release date: September 2018

Tour dates: June 3 to July 12, 2019

Content Rating: PG-13 (There are some non-explicit sex scenes)

Book Description:

An Amazon Charts, USA Today, and Washington Post bestseller!

From the bestselling author of Trail of Broken Wings comes an epic story of the unrelenting force of love, the power of healing, and the invincible desire to dream.

Nothing prepares Jaya, a New York journalist, for the heartbreak of her third miscarriage and the slow unraveling of her marriage in its wake. Desperate to assuage her deep anguish, she decides to go to India to uncover answers to her family’s past. Intoxicated by the sights, smells, and sounds she experiences, Jaya becomes an eager student of the culture. But it is Ravi—her grandmother’s former servant and trusted confidant—who reveals the resilience, struggles, secret love, and tragic fall of Jaya’s pioneering grandmother during the British occupation.

​Through her courageous grandmother’s arrestingly romantic and heart-wrenching story, Jaya discovers the legacy bequeathed to her and a strength that, until now, she never knew was possible.

My Review 
     Thanks to Iread Book Tours for an opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
“Sometimes, Jaya, it is best to leave things if they cause you harm.”

    This book inspired me on so many levels. It awed me and surprised me too. The author herself is an amazing storyteller, because it takes only a storyteller to tell so much stories in a book. I highlighted so many quotes in this book. I learnt so many lessons. In short, I am absolutely overwhelmed.

“I will also advise that when they travel in their stories, they respect the people they meet and the values they hold. Their way of life is not for us to judge but our opportunity to learn.” She ignored the widening of the teacher’s eyes and ended with, “And to never forget that when you offer a hand of respect, you will in turn be welcomed.”

At first when I started reading, I was distracted and I wasn’t really into the story, but by the time I’d reach the part where Ravi told the story of Amisha, I just couldn’t stop reading, infact I kept on reading even while walking.

“We dream about what we don’t know. We turn those dreams into stories.”

This book tells us to follow our dreams, to keep dreaming and don’t stop. It tells us the different jobs our heart, mind and soul does.

“The heart and soul work on emotions. They don’t always stop to think about what is right or wrong, only what they want and need. So where do they get their direction?”

“That those who leave have a reason that is more powerful than the one to stay.”

It talks about the demeaning and subservient life the girls and women of india in those days lived. And it also shows the power in true love and also the sacrifices we have to pay to fulfil the longings and pullings of our heart.

“… Our minds guide us toward what is acceptable for us to create, protect, or destroy. And where does the brain get its intellect?”

I’d read this book again and again. Through this book, I transported to a different world I never knew existed. I sat with Ravi and Jaya as Ravi tells the story of that unforgettable storyteller who lived and touched lives with her stories.

“History shows us we need labels to help define our place. For hundreds of years, people have categorized others as less so they could feel like more. Color, gender, class, religion, physical handicaps, sexual orientation, and pedigree are just a few ways in which one group is divided from another. For every person who stands superior, another must be inferior. But what does it say of us as a human race when we push others down for our own needs?”

This book has my huge 4 stars.

I can’t wait to read more stories by Sejal. She is an epic Storyteller.

Meet the Author:

​A former attorney, Sejal Badani left the law to pursue writing full time.

She is a USA Today, Washington Post & Amazon Charts bestselling author, Goodreads Fiction Award Finalist and ABC/DISNEY Writing Fellowship Finalist.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ​~ Pinterest ~ Instagram


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Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.


  1. Dear Sara, Thank you so much for the absolutely lovely review. Inspired by my maternal grandmother, the story is one close to my heart so I really appreciate all of your very kind words and the quotes! Thank you again. xo Sejal

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