Book Details:

Book Title: Ivy (The Montgomery Sisters Book 3) by Kat Flannery
Category: Historical western romance, 164 pages
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Publisher: Picco Press
Release date: November 11, 2018
Tour dates: July 1-31, 2019
Content Rating: PG + M (swearing and mild violence)

Book Description:

Ivy Montgomery is tired of her sister’s constant nagging and protectiveness. Blind, she decides to escape in the middle of the night when she is captured and brought far from home. With no understanding of the outside world, Ivy must use her keen abilities to navigate the wilderness around her. Anger and hopelessness are her only defenses against the things she cannot do.

​Until she meets a strong-minded Lakota Chief, who will not let her cower to the blindness any longer. Lakota Sioux Chief of the Paha Sapa, Hotah is on a hunt for his brother, Kangi. Cast from their tribe five years before, Kangi has grown a dark spirit and a hatred for all white people. Now on reserved land, Hotah makes a deal with the General to capture his brother in return for his people to have the provisions they need. After rescuing Ivy, he promises to take her home, but danger is near and Hotah soon realizes it is not just his brother he should fear.


Book Review:

The third of the Montgomery sisters, she is more delicate and lives under the shadow, warnings and guidance of her sisters which displeases her.

While reading this third book, something struck me and I realized that the 3 books have this major pattern of the sisters getting into trouble and men saving them, though they also showed that they could be better people without the help of the men, but that particular pattern is not lost in the story.

Ivy meets Hotah who saves her and helps her brave her way through her semi-blindness. That is not all there is about this book though, it will take you through the boundaries of family, love, trust and courage.

Ivy’s story took another turn by bringing in indians who have problems with white people into the story. Though I still feel like the 3 stories have the same pattern, but I really do love how the book turned out at the end. I felt it was really fast paced but then it was worth the read and I’d definitely read something like this again.

3.5 stars ⭐⭐⭐?

To read reviews, please visit Kat Flannery’s page on iRead Book Tours.


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Meet the Author: 



Kat Flannery’s love of history shows in her novels. She is an avid reader of historical, suspense, paranormal, and romance. A member of many writing groups including the National Romance Writers of America (RWA), Kat enjoys promoting other authors on her blog. When she’s not busy writing or marketing Kat volunteers her time to other aspiring authors. She’s been published in numerous periodicals throughout her career and continues to write for blogs and online magazines. A bestselling author, Kat’s books are available all over the world. The BRANDED TRILOGY is Kat’s award-winning series. With seven books published, Kat continues to write two novels a year.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram



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