“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”

-Franz Kafka

For a long time I was indecisive about niching down. 

I started theavidinspire.com as a lifestyle and book blog because I wanted to share everything and anything about life and books.

woman lying down on grass beside opened books
Life and books Pexels.com

But later I realized if I wanted to have a successful blog, I needed to focus on one topic or one aspect of life and it took me a while to figure that out.

In my journey to figuring things out, I learned a lot. I learned that being consistent will eventually bring clarity.

So, even though you don’t completely understand what you’re doing right now, still keep at it, you’d eventually figure things out.

Why Productivity Blog?

gold ipad pro beside gold aluminum case apple watch with gold sport band
Why Productivity Blog? Pexels.com

If you know me personally or if you read my blog a lot, you will know that I am a productivity preacher.

I believe in productivity. Being productive has changed my life and helped me achieve things I’d only imagined I could do.

Thinking about it, this blog is all about inspiring others and helping people. 

And now I believe the purpose for this blog has just begun.

With productivity posts and content, I am confident people will be inspired and lives will be changed.

I am excited.

Because, for a long time I thought it was impossible for me to niche down. 

If you know me, you will know I am a lover of learning, so I know a lot of things.

And if you know a lot of things, that means you have a lot to share.

So, it was hard for me to not share everything.

But this time, I am glad I get to share important things under a particular niche.

And I believe this content will be of great help to everyone who engages with it.

Does this mean only productivity posts?

wood man people sign

Well, productivity is a broad topic. And this blog will certainly cover every topic on how individuals and organisations can live productive lives.

That is; there will be topics on being a productive person, a productive christian, a productive business person, a productive employee, and so on.

Any content that will help an individual live their life to the fullest (productively) will be on this blog.

What kind of content should be expected?

pictures of business brand and design
Productivity blog content Pexels.com
  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • Digital tools
  • Videos
  • Resources for productivity
  • Digital planner templates and arts, etc.

I have also launched a shop for digital and printable planners, templates, stickers, ebooks, and artworks.

It is called TheAvidPlannerDigitalShop.

What is the goal of this productivity blog?

close up shot of a notebook
Productivity Blog goal Pexels.com
  • To help you achieve that goal you have given up on
  • To help you bring your ideas to life
  • To keep you going on days you are least motivated
  • To inspire someone to not only think they can make their dreams come true but to also see the results of following their dreams.

A backstory

What’s a story without a picture?!

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”

Franz Kafka

So many things I have now accomplished in a short while were things I had struggled to achieve for the past 8-10 years.

I have always been a lazy, indisciplined, and unmotivated person. And I mostly lived life wondering when I would do something about it.

I hated that nobody saw my unique talents, skills, and abilities. 

I was the only one who saw it and I knew the only way to get others to see it was to get to work. 

Getting to work is hard and without the right support system, you might find yourself constantly slipping back into being lazy and undisciplined.

But, if I can do it, you can too.

If you have a similar story to mine, you can reach me here, if you need help achieving that goal you are about to give up or you can visit Avid Planner to see what I am building to help others live productively.

The Avid Inspire Blog

The Avid Inspire Blog is the center of productivity. 

My goal is to help individuals, businesses, and organizations live productively, one day at a time.

It’s not just about working hard but mostly about having time for yourself, the things you love, and the people you love while getting work done.

You are welcome to The Avid Inspire Productivity Blog

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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