My Solo Trip to Osun State. Things to do in Osun State.

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Have you ever planned to do something that looked impossible to do but you decided to do it anyway?

Well I did! And here’s my story!

Why I went on a Solo Trip.

I went on a solo trip to Osun state! 

If you know me, you will know I am a big fan of solo life (Solo living, solo travel, etc.), and I have always wanted to see new places and travel to many beautiful places.

And one day, while I was stuck in a rut, I made a decision on a whim to leave home and travel to states in my country ALONE.

I knew I had to do this because you only live once, right? Lol.

And the first state I chose for my solo trip was Osun State.

In Osun State, I visited 5 tourist attractions. They were the most popular places in Osun state and I had the best experience there. TripAdvisor was really helpful in suggesting the best places to go and they also provided real-time reviews on their site.

Also read: My Top Ten Travel Wish List for 2022 + one

My Osun State expenses.

Here is a brief breakdown of some expenses I incurred in case you decide to take a solo trip of your choice (Prices of tourist attractions to be disclosed later).

Accommodation: I got a hotel where I paid 4000 naira per day to stay. I went from this hotel to all the tourist attractions. 

If you have a friend or relative in the state, it will also be helpful for you. 

It is quite hard to get a 4k naira per day hotel, so budget from 4k-5k naira.

Transportation: For Transportation, in Osun, you will get a bike to take you to and fro for 150 naira to 300 naira. Ensure you can haggle very well. 

Also, ask around for buses going your way. Buses are cheaper. 

Mostly 100 naira for within the city, 600-800 naira for outside the city (that is if you’re going from Ile Ife to Oshogbo).

Places I visited in Osun State.

Osun state Sacred Grove.

The first place I visited was the Osun Sacred Grove and the entry fee is 200 naira but because I was going to make a video, they collected 1000 naira extra. I was not happy about it at all. Lol 

The funny part was nobody even followed me so I could have just avoided the question and not paid the extra money.

But well, I did.

The only part I enjoyed about the sacred grove is the river and the suspended bridge. 

Apart from that, there was really nothing much to enjoy. 

The place seemed quite diabolical and I know you’re rolling your eyes like “What were you expecting?”

But apart from those things, there was nothing else to see.

But I am glad I went. So, make your choice.

I stayed in Osogbo, so it took me like 400 naira to go to and fro.

Erin Ijesha Olumirin waterfall, Osun State.

This was my favorite part of the journey.

Erin Ijesha Olumirin has a 7-step mountain and it’s a serious hassle to climb it.

Only the 1st and 2nd step has stairs, the rest are stones or trees joined together creating paths for you to place your leg and walk through. 

It is really scary.

Especially if you’ve never done something like that before.

I’m so glad I went prepared: Boots, hat, shorts, headphones for music and all, lol.

They made the hike easy for me.

And because I went alone, it was both terrifying and interesting for me.

There were times I got scared of trying to do something that scary alone but by the time I got to the 6th step, I was glad I went alone because I had no one to dissuade me to keep going.

It took me about 3 hours to go up and down the mountain.

And when I was done, I went for a swim in the waterfall on the 2nd and 1st step.

I had some minor injuries too and I want to believe it’s because I was extra careful (It could have been worse).

For the expenses, there is a gate fee of 1000 naira. 

Some guards will try to guide you and extort you, I will say ignore them, the money is not worth it at all.

Go by yourself or haggle a lesser price with them.

I met 2 children who were experts at climbing the mountain, they guided me on the paths to climb and I gave them a token of 500 naira each when they left me at the 6th step.

You can do the same too.

From the 6th step to the 7th step is a walk of about one hour+ 

The 7th step will lead you to a village and when you see the river, you are there.

For transportation, have a total of 2000 naira to and fro, and remember, always haggle prices, especially with bikes. 

Those people inflate prices.

Lastly, if you climb those mountains, prepare for a week of body aches and leg cramps. 

Also, get drugs for body pain in handy (It is serious).

Nike art gallery + Nike guest house, Osun State.

I saw on google that the art gallery was in old ede road (take note), but it was wrong.

It led me to the guest house. 

I was then directed to Estate, opposite Gaza hotel.

Just keep looking around and stay alert. 

A lot of the locals don’t know about these tourist attractions (It’s sad).

You might have to ask a lot of bikes and buses before you can get someone who knows the place.

When I got to the art gallery (Entry is free), I was told not to make videos or take pictures (fair enough).

So, I couldn’t do much there.

I could only take a picture of myself in the gallery.

But I also noticed the art gallery was not well taken care of. 

Yes, it has beautiful artworks but most were dusty and not well presented.

I looked around for some minutes before I left.

I spent about 500 naira transport to the art gallery and this was because I mistook the address. 

I went to Osun mall from here.

Osun mall, Osun State.

Osun mall is just one of your normal malls. 

Small of course but it was beautiful and gave the vibe you will get at Ibadan Shoprite (If you’ve been there before).

I had ice cream (2 scoops – 1,150 naira and snacks) at the famous ice cream place in the mall and then I left for Ile-Ife.

I took a 150/200 naira bike to the mall (Can’t really remember).

From the mall, I walked to the garage where I took a bus of 600 naira to Ile Ife.

Ile Ife National Museum beside Ile Ife palace.

When I got to Ile Ife, I took a 200 naira bike to Enuwa (Thank God for Google and a Lady’s help).

There was an entry fee of 500 naira.

The museum was really neat and there are knowledgeable guides who are passionate about their job. 

One of them guided me through the museum and gave me detailed information about the museum and the artifacts as you see in my Youtube video.

The Ile Oduduwa palace was right beside the museum but time had gone and the guards were asking for ridiculous amounts of money I didn’t plan for like (5k, 10k, or 1k and alcohol), I was too tired to haggle so I just took a bus back to Oshogbo.

I got back home tired but fulfilled. 

Osun state has been eventful.

Osun State Generally.

Osun state is peaceful but I wished I stayed in the rural area. 

The place I stayed in Osogbo gave me a Lagos vibe and it didn’t feel like I was in a different state.

I really wanted something that felt like I was in the village but it wasn’t bad altogether.

I also didn’t get really nice food to eat. There were not many places to get food and the shops closed too early.

But I never had any issue with security which was a priority for me.

Should you go on a solo trip?

Hell yes!

Like I believe “You can do anything or be anything you want.”

So, yes, go for it. 

It’s not as hard as it seems and it’s a great time to enjoy some ‘me time’ and be your own person while exploring new people, new cultures, and new environments.

What I’ve learned on the journey.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

When I was about to climb to the 7th step of the Olumirin waterfall, I felt all sort of fear flash across my eyes but I decided to keep going.

Something strengthened my heart: Knowing there were people who had done it before me.

Let that strengthen you too. 

If you want to do it, go for it.

What’s the worst that could happen? Lol

There’s evil everywhere but there’s no evil where you are.

Someone asked me how I managed to go on such a journey alone with the current insecurities in the country and I answered “There’s evil everywhere but there’s no evil where I am.”

And the simple meaning is that whether you are at home or outside, there’s evil everywhere.

But whether I am at home or outside, there’s no evil anywhere I am.

Most of the insecurities we hear about are largely rumors (Yes, some are true), but will you really let ‘what ifs’ stop you from doing what you really want to do?

I bet not!

Take a risk, if you win, you will be happy.

That’s a quote I hold dear to me (author unknown). 

Life is a game of risks, so don’t be afraid to take one and some more. 

If you win, you will be happy… and fulfilled.

Never ever accept ‘Because You Are A Woman’ as a reason for doing or not doing anything.

This is a quote by my best woman, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and yes I believe this strongly.

Climbing those walls of the Olumirin waterfall alone and going on a trip to other states alone is something that will cause people to say “Don’t do it because you are a woman” but God forbid that I will deny myself fulfillment just because “I am a woman.”

Quick Question:

Have you ever gone on a solo trip? If you have not, do you see yourself ever going to one?

What are your thoughts on a solo trip?

What are your thoughts on Osun state?

Let me know your answers in the comments.


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  1. Linda Edet says:

    Your review was helpful, thanks.

    1. I’m glad it was helpful. You are welcome, Linda!

  2. […] In Osun State, I visited the Sacred Grove, Erin Ijesha Olumirin Waterfall, Nike Arts, Nike Guest House, Osun Mall, and Ile Ife National Museum. I wrote all about it here.  […]

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I am a Freelance Writer, Blogger, Content Creator, and Productivity Coach.

I am passionate about writing, designing, God, and helping people achieve their goals and be productive.