I’m just going to go straight to the point here by telling you, it is time to get up and get work done. 

You have spent so much time wallowing in self-pity, guilt, and shame. It is time to focus on the goal. 

Okay, maybe I was a little direct there. But, let me tell you. 

Usually, when you need to achieve a goal or if there is something you have been meaning to do, and you eventually don’t get it done, there is this guilt that comes with not doing something and I have come to help you destroy it.

Firstly, I want you to know it is normal to feel this way but what is not normal is wallowing in your feelings. 

Now, I want you to stop concentrating on how ‘not doing anything’ makes you feel and focus on “What you have to do.”

How To Stop Feeling Bad About Your Goals

triangeln station entrance in malmo sweden
Photo by Efrem Efre on Pexels.com

It’s January, and the beginning of the year is usually associated with a lot of goal-setting, resolutions, and planning. Well, after the energy of the new year starts fading out, you may find yourself feeling guilty for making all those plans and setting all those goals, but not doing them. 

Trust me, I have set hundreds of goals that I ended up ignoring. 

But this is what you are doing wrong. You are focusing on your weakness thereby strengthening it.

You are focusing on what you didn’t do, even though time has passed. It is time to focus on something better.

What makes you feel good? 

How To Start Feeling Good

person stands on brown pathway
Photo by Tobi on Pexels.com

Think about what makes you feel good – taking a walk, following your daily routine, marking complete on your to-do list, getting a compliment about something you have done. 

How does that make you feel?

When you realize you have lost 20 lbs of weight. When you finish writing that story for your book. When you finally film that video and get it ready to be published.

Great right?!

I know it will make me feel great for sure. 

This is why it is important to focus on getting that feeling. Focus on how you can do what you need to do because you know at the end of the day, it will make you feel good about yourself.

This brings us to the important aspect of How To Get Things Done.

How To Get Things Done

Set a goal.

Here is how to set a goal.

If your goal is to start a catering and event business in 2025, then write that down. Don’t forget to do that. 

Now, I won’t be going into all the details on goal setting but this guide will help you.

After writing down your goal, it is time to create systems and processes to get there. 

I learned about this in Atomic Habits, a great book that will guide you to achieve your goals. 

Systems and Processes are simply the way to achieve your goal. They are like roadmaps to making your dreams come true. 

Your systems and processes will look something like this:

  • Set up a website and social media page for people to contact you for catering and event services.
  • Reach out to vendors to work with when a client books you. 
  • Work on your pricing and marketing.

Now, I don’t know all about this business, but regardless of any business idea you have, your systems and processes will show you how to get there. 

After doing this, turn your systems and processes into a daily routine. 

This ebook will guide you on how to do that

or reach out to me to get it done for you at a small fee.

After setting your daily routines, the next thing is to DO IT.

And I know it is not an easy thing to get things done but here is the part where you decide if you want to feel good about your life or feel bad. 

If you choose to feel good, then it is time to get started.

I am always here to guide you. 

Here is a blog post on Getting Things Done, that you may like.

Tools That Will Help You Get Things Done This Year

The Notion App

The Notion Calendar

Google Calendar

These 2 tools work together and they are very useful. I love using the 3 but my favorite is the Notion Calendar, it automatically showcases what you need to get done according to the time you set,

So, after setting your daily routine, add them to your notion/google calendar. 

You can do something like:

Reminder – Film a video for YouTube

Time – 10 am

Date – Jan 25, 2024

And that’s it. When it’s 10 am, it will notify you. I prefer it Notion Calendar to Google Calendar because it doesn’t need your gadget to be connected to the internet to alert you and that is so much better.

Howver, Google Calendar makes a sound when it’s time but I have not used that feature on Notion Calendar. You can try it out.

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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