About Book
Megan Carson went on her first real date at age 27. Some might call her a late bloomer. Her first real relationship lasted about three months, and though Megan did not love Chris, she was heart broken when they broke up. She grieved the loss of the relationship, but even more she grieved the loss of who she was in the relationship. She had never met ”Megan the Girlfriend,” and once she did, Megan really liked her – and when she was gone, she wanted her back! So what did Megan do? She joined a dating service.
A Year of Blind Dates follows Megan’s dating adventures in Southern California as she searches for Mr. Right, not just Mr. Right Now. As her ”ideal guy” changes over time, the one thing that is never negotiable is her desire to find a man with a deep spiritual side. But can she have the ”total package” without compromising her strong faith? Can Megan trust the dating service to deliver a man of God who will make her laugh and treat her well? This is the story of Megan’s search for the man of her dreams, and the good, bad and really, really bad dates along the way.
My Review
I am not really a fan of non fiction, but when I saw this book, I just knew I wanted to read it and I knew I’d love it. And it didn’t dissapoint. Cheers to Megan Carson.
She puts together beautifully her life as a Christian and relationship seeker, at a point, I had to drop the book to think and laugh, because Megan’s life while searching for the one was one to think about and also soften the rough patches by laughing.
Megan carson, a young woman in her late twenties, seeking for a man to spend the rest of her life with, preferably, a lover of God, plays golf, loves sport, loves her and respects her.
So in a bid to get the man of her choice, since they were not coming her way , she subscribed to a dating service where she gets 14 dates for a year. Each of these dates were ridiculous, passionate, sensible, hilarious in their own way. Even though I feel sorry to read about how Megan went home crying into the arms of her room mate, I couldn’t help but laugh at the amusement of it all.
She met ridiculously annoying men that cuss out willy nilly ,cute men with good manners, naive men and stupid men . At the end of the year, she had gone out with 21 men (7 which were blind dates recommended by friends and acquaintances ).
While reading the story, there was something I really loved and held unto, her faith in God, her trusting in God even amidst all the heart wrenching events that occurred, I loved how she didn’t remove God from the equation, how she consulted Him every now and then, even when she disobeyed, I love how she didn’t stop going back to God.
This book really taught me a lot of lessons and helped me see the pressure most ladies go through when they reach a certain age and how they deal with it.
And as for how it ended and if Megan really found the one, you’d have to read this incredibly hilarious, devastating and encouraging book to find out.
If it were to be fiction then I will say I didn’t like the ending , but it’s non fiction and it’s her reality.
4.5/5 stars