As a freelance writer, I get asked a lot if writing is the only thing you can do as a freelancer.

Well, the clear answer is No.

 There are several jobs you can do as a freelancer. These jobs are as lucrative and interesting as writing.

In this article, I will list out the tons of businesses you can venture into as a freelancer, which you can also do from the comfort of your home.

Here is a list of 50 lucrative freelance businesses you can venture into apart from content writing below. You can also do these businesses from the comfort of your home.

macbook pro on brown wooden table
Freelance Business

Virtual Assistant

Graphic Designer

Content Marketer




Web development


Social media management


Youtube Video Creation /Vlogging

App Development

Game Development

Affiliate Sales and Marketing

Online Course Creation

E-book Writing

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Website Testing

Podcast Script writer

Youtube Script Writer


Business Consulting

Content marketing consultant

Voice Over Artist

Travel Consultant

Interior Design Consultant

Music Writing and Production


Online Researching

Grant Writing

Stock Photography

SEO Services

Video Editing

Google Advertising Consulting

Data Analyst

Sell on Etsy

Online Dating Consultant

 WordPress Developer and Consultant

Web Manager

Fill out online Surveys

Test Apps Online

Transcription Services

Brand Strategist

Online Coaching

Affiliate Sales and Marketing

Domain Hosting

Wedding Planner

Virtual Event MC/Host

Google Ads Specialist

Brand Ambassador

turned off silver imac
Money making skills

You don’t have to be skilled in any one of these to start. You can choose one of these, learn what it is about, and start pitching to clients.

If you focus on one of these businesses and constantly advertise your services, before you know it, you will not only become an authority in the business, you will also make a lot of money through it.

You can check here for top jobs sites where you can market your chosen freelance skills.

You can also check here for how to make more money as a freelancer. 

Sarah Olaleye

Ever evolving CREATIVE, Travel Blogger, Homebody, and YouTuber. Sharing travel info, home content, day in my life, curating travel guides, and inspiring you to live your dreams.

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